Sunday 23 November 2008

something about the place I come from...

The place I come from is a big and busy city but at the same time one you can find peace in.

Sometimes I want to escape it and at other times I feel that I could never ever leave it.

I definitely love my neighbourhood. I live in the suburbs and guess what? You can find real grass and sweet-smelling flowers here;D

Sometimes I feel sad when people come to Poznan and judge it without really knowing all the faces of this city (and I guarantee you it has many). I love this city for many reasons: I love the places I used to play in when I was a child, I love the way the sun shines into my room in the morning and I love this feeling that even though I spent so much time here, there are still new places waiting for me to discover them.

And yet the people, my family & my friends, are the most important ones, who make me feel certain that my home is here.

OK, this stuff is so sentimental that I can`t say for sure that I identify myself with what I`ve just written I'm hardly ever so sentimental;D I'd better go now ;-)

Thursday 20 November 2008


Welcome to my blog;D